6th Meeting
Had my 6th meeting with Chris today. We talked about if the changes i made to the style of animation would work and what i would need to do to improve on it if there was anything that wouldn't work.
Basically, he said that he had no problem with the changes i made but he felt that all the changes worked by themselves but as a combination there is the risk that one will over power the other and made the animation fail.
To get around this i need to make sure i do a hell of a lot of research and only take the sections of the different changes that work with the others. this will be hard to do to start but as the research takes off things should become a little clearer.
For the next meeting he would like to see some texturing tests and storyboard/layout examples, also the character model as that was meant to be done by the end of last month but sadly things didn't work out like that and i have ran over a little. (ooops)
I have started on the character model and i hope to have it finished by next week to show to Chris and get his feedback, this year (unlike last) i am doing my best to take on everyones advice and so getting this feedback is a big help to me and i look forward to it and welcome it with open arms.
This week you should see a lot of updates from me and i hope you like what i have to say......remember to subscribe via email here and you will be updated on any updates the next day ^_^
anyway i will talk to you all later so encase i dont talk to you before hand, good morning, good evening, good afternoon and good night :-)